Announcing: Yoga Pearls

As we are coming into the home stretch of this very intense year of 2020, I am happy
to announce a new series of “Yoga Pearls” on my You Tube channel
It was suggested to me that I create some short “five minute” yoga clips.
I don’t know if it’s life under COVID that is shriveling our attention span, but then
again, yoga practice can be so powerful and effective that it really can provide great
benefit in a short time, and can be easily integrated into our lives, even for non “yoga
practitioners”. You don’t even need to change clothes or get on the floor!
What I will provide in each of my Yoga Pearls is instruction in a single
foundationally important posture or exercise in the yoga repertoire, with
modifications and variations to fit the needs of most practitioners. A mini yoga
moment in the morning or break during the day will positively impact how you feel
physically and mentally, and help reduce the stress we are all under these days.
And, feel free to string these pearls into a longer chain of relaxation and
If you are interested in more, longer yoga sequences of 20-25 minutes can be found
in my DVDs RSI? Rx: Yoga and Yoga for Gardeners, which you can download from my
yoga website www.
May these practices help lessen the mental and physical stress that is so prevalent
these days. Enjoy!