Rx Yoga! Rx with Gail Dubinsky


A series of themed workshops teaching Yoga tools to reduce pain and increase function. *Familiar exercises “Yoga-ized “to enhance their effectiveness*Yoga exercises modified to fit virtually every need. Saturday Feb 24 or Monday Feb 26 10:30-11:45 AMLow back, SacroIliac Joint and a bit of Core Saturday March 30 or Monday April 1 10:30-11:45 AM Knees […]

Grist for the Mill


February 2024As I am excited to prepare to teach my first yoga classes/workshops in almost 10 years, at thesame time I am confronted with knee pain that has been slowly building over the last 3 months,without any obvious precipitating event(s). It appears that the Universe has decided it was timefor a brush up course on […]

Holiday season greetings!


I wanted to reach out before year’s end—2022 went fast didn’t it?! Gratitude was everyone’s theme last month, but so essential on an ongoing basis to keep us seeing the positive in our lives and the world! Among other things, I am so grateful for my “new” office of 18 months, and that I can […]

Announcing: Yoga Pearls


As we are coming into the home stretch of this very intense year of 2020, I am happyto announce a new series of “Yoga Pearls” on my You Tube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjh2n-fGv-cwnJb-vRy6KRwIt was suggested to me that I create some short “five minute” yoga clips.I don’t know if it’s life under COVID that is shriveling our attention […]

Boost Immunity, Calm Anxiety- Ancient Yoga Tools in the age of Coronavirus


Here are a few simple breath practices and meditations from the vast body of Kundalini Yoga technology that should be accessible to virtually anyone, and useful anytime, not just during a virus pandemic! Below I describe them in writing, and then for an audio visual demonstration, follow the links to the videos. Practice one technique […]

Season for gratitude….and self care!


With our protracted days of unseasonable warmth behind us, and the nights suddenly much longer and colder, we approach Thanksgiving at a time of significant stress and anxiety. It is hard to recall a prolonged period without a devastating wildfire, other weather disaster, or mass shooting. Recent elections give some glimmer of hope, but how […]

A Bit of Healing For Us All


Greetings as we head straight into fall! Here in Sonoma County, there are just the right amount of seasonal changes – quality of light, changes in day length, the harvest and transitions in our gardens and increased busyness of birds and insects getting ready for winter. I am heading to New England this week for […]

The Many Aspects of Chronic Pain


When you consider treatment for chronic pain and “pain management”, what usually comes to mind is heavy doses of prescription drugs and interventions involving needles and cortisone. The multidisciplinary pain programs that consider other aspects of mind, body, lifestyle and spirit are few and far between, largely due to a lack of insurance reimbursement for […]

A New Year, A Wonderful New Offering


Have you ever experienced a treatment for a chronic musculoskeletal problem that made such a profound impact and created such a shift toward healing that it changed the course of your life? A little over 3 years ago, after years of chronic low back pain from sacroiliac joint injury and dysfunction, I was referred to […]

Nerve Compression – Cause of the Pain?


“Ann”, a fit and active senior woman recently came to see me for a consultation. She suffered from severe hip and thigh pain, shooting down to the knee and below, and atrophy and weakness of the leg. Lumbar MRI ordered by her primary doctor was dramatic, with a report full of fearsome terminology such as […]

Spring Time Musings and Epiphanies


Springtime in Sonoma County, which I would say starts mid February and really ramps up by April, is a challenging and multifaceted time for me- a funny kind of seasonal affective disorder takes over in the midst of swooning over the spectacular progression of garden blooms and wildflowers. Our annual retreat to the So Cal […]

Healing – and a new offering!


Have been remiss in not posting an update for over a year(!), leaving at least one old colleague in suspense that I was permanently disabled, or had retired! Happy to say that after a long gradual process of continuing recovery, with a few minor setbacks here and there, I am feeling quite well these days. […]

Taking a Yoga and Breathwalk Sabbatical


Sometimes the Universe just keeps giving an ongoing message til I wake up and get it! Today marks the 6 month anniversary of the medical complication that sent me into a new to me experience of profound health challenges- emergency abdominal surgery, then 7 weeks ago sudden onset of very painful left side facial paralysis […]

Why Not Label GMOs in food?


Nutrition is a key determinant of our health and longevity. With education and labeling of processed foods, we make decisions about our dietary intake. We already consider the proportions of fat, sugar and salt to determine the healthiness of a food product. Gluten free products are labeled so the consumer can make an informed choice […]

“vitamins in their original container…”


“Get your vitamins in their original container…” … Says the poster in my husband’s Kaiser doctor’s exam room, with an artful photo of an orange. Absolutely correct! Almost none of us are getting fruits and vegetables to fill half our plate with every meal, every day- certainly not with dark green, dark red or bright […]

Giving a fish, or teaching to fish?


As summer turns to fall, I am feeling new energy to help more people heal and be healthy in a positive long lasting way! Being whole person centered and providing alternative attitudes and approaches to the mainstream way of dealing with orthopedic injuries has defined my practice for many years. However, these medical relationships revolve […]

You feel like what you eat… or not?


Happy 2013! One thing I resolve for this year is to share more often what I feel is important for achieving optimal health in body mind and spirit. My musings of one year ago (yes, we got busy) still ring true as a call for self discipline and commitment, but right now I am really […]

Happy New Year!


The year’s beginning is traditionally time to make and attempt to carry out “resolutions”- goals for some kind of positive change or accomplishment. The ritual of taking stock and looking ahead is a good thing, but only the first step. The power to sustain change and ingrain a new habit (or resume one) comes from […]

On The Road Again – with Juice Plus


Extricating ourselves from home and work, down to one of our favorite So Cal desert spots… Expansive and uplifting for heart and soul, but there is a bit of a trade-off—the food! Specifically speaking, road food- away from our little No Cal bubble of local abundance of organic farm sourced fruits and vegetables, grassfed animals, […]

Fall is a beautiful time for Breathwalk


What do you get when you combine walking outdoors in nature, yoga, synchronized breath patterns, and meditative awareness? Come join me and find out on my next Breathwalk, Saturday October 8, 9 – 10:15 A.M. Breathwalk is a unique blend of breath patterns synchronized with walking and focused awareness, which can immediately influence and balance […]

Summertime- and the Living is… Healthy!


Solstice is behind us, but we are just beginning with the summer fun! Weather is finally good (meaning season appropriate warm!), garden is in, hard work is done, now watch it grow, keep the weeds and varmints at bay, starting to reap the rewards! There is no better time to change your nutrition for the […]

March Madness


From the steady dormancy of winter, now we have the start/stop energy- want to get out gardening, but alternating rain, sun, cool, warm, windy or not… Patience and timing- applicable for life in general! Meanwhile, try to curb your enthusiasm out there weeding- beware of those repetitive stress injuries! Just off the phone with a […]

New Year Musings of the Gardening Doctor


Almost a month into 2011.. I am really enjoying the spare beauty of bare trees, stripped of leaves, revealing the clean lines of their branches silhouetted against the pale sky- down to bare essence. We can enact this simplicity and paring down with a year end cleaning out of all the unnecessary paper and other […]

Commitment = Disciplined Repetitive Motion


As Thanksgiving approaches, it seems common to focus on being grateful for all we have, that sometimes we take for granted. But we know that cultivating that attitude of gratitude anytime is guaranteed to elevate our spirit and grant us a clearer perspective in relationship to all that is around us. What is in the […]

Falling into place


From the summer that really wasn’t, with bipolar weather strongly in depressive mode (grey and cool) for months with one manic spike (106 degrees F?!), now we are in a beautiful Indian summer on the first official day of fall. I am now in somewhat of an identity crisis- a newly minted Level 1 Kundalini […]

Can yoga stretch time?


Another busy 4 months since my last post, during which I have been conducting active research on the matter of whether getting up at dawn, give or take an hour, to practice yoga and meditation can actually add hours to the day…. I had always thought of myself as a reasonably disciplined individual with a […]

Contact Gail Dubinsky, MD for a free 15-minute consultation:

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